
Follow us in Google Scholar Pages

Whitepapers and Reports

  1. M.Manivannan, Experiential Technologies In India, A White Paper And Skill Gap Analysis Of Experiential Technologies In India (2024), A Report Of The Industrial Consortium For Xr In India Cave (Consortium For Ar And Vr Engineering) At Iit Madras, Mar 2024. (Link)
  2. M.Manivannan, Whitepaper on the Future of Biomedical Engineering in India, 2021. [link]

Journal Publications

  1. Krishnasamy Balasubramanian, Jagan; Ray, Rahul Kumar; Muniyandi, Manivannan; Effect of Subthreshold Electrotactile Stimulation on the Perception of Electrovibration, ACM Transactions on Applied Perception2031-16, 2023, ACM New York, NY
  2. Venkatesan, RK; Banakou, Domna; Slater, Mel; Manivannan, M; Haptic feedback in a virtual crowd scenario improves the emotional, response, Fron in Virtiual Reality, 2023
  3. Karmakar, Subhankar; Kesh, Anindita; Muniyandi, Manivannan; Thermal Illusions for Thermal Displays: A Review, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2023
  4. Gourishetti, Ravali; Manivannan, M; Turing test to validate perceptually reduced model for needle insertion simulation, Advanced Materials for Biomedical Applications, CRC Press, 2023.
  5. Aditya, Kanade; Mansi, Sharma; Manivannan, Muniyandi; Virtual Reality, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence: Technological Interventions in Stroke Rehabilitation, The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and Telemedicine Frameworks and Applications, IGI Global DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3533-5. 2023
  6. Sarath, S. Nair; Manivannan, Muniyandi; D.S., Nagesh; C.V., Muraleedharan; Roy, Joseph; S, Harikrishnan; Charging Current Characteristics and Effect of Casing Material in Wireless Recharging of Active Implantable Medical Devices Using Transcutaneous Energy Transfer System, Progress In Electromagnetics Research , doi:10.2528/PIERM23082001137-1442023, 2023
  7. “Hemalatha, K; Manivannan, M; Sikkandar, Mohamed Yacin “,Determining mitral stenosis through radial arterial pulse: A computational understanding, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2022, World Scientific Publishing Company
  8. Joseph Hosanna Raj Isaac, Manivannan Muniyandi, Balaraman Ravindran, Single Shot Corrective CNN for Anatomically Correct 3D Hand Pose Estimation, Accepted for publications in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2022.
  9. Rahul Kumar Ray, Payal Patel, Manivannan M., Reduction of electrotactile perception threshold using subthreshold vibrotactile stimuli, Displays, Volume 69, 2021, 102056, ISSN 0141-9382, [pdf]
  10. Isaac, JHR; Manivannan, M; Ravindran, B, Corrective Filter Based on Kinematics of Human Hand for Pose Estimation, Frontiers in Virtual Real. 2: 663618. 2021 doi: 10.3389/frvir
  11. M.Manivannan, Novel Measuring Instruments for Indian Medicine wholesome concepts, Annals of Ayurveda Medicine 9 (4), 251-255. Oct.-Dec., 2020. [pdf]
  12. M Reddy, M Manivannan, MG Basavaraj, SP Thampi, Statics and dynamics of drops spreading on a liquid-liquid interface, Physical Reviews Fluids, Vol 5/Issue 10, Oct 2020. [link]
  13. V Madhan Kumar, HR, Joseph, S Venkatraman, M Manivannan, Novel Virtual Reality based Training System for Fine Motor Skills: Towards Developing a Robotic Surgery Training System, The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, , 16 (6), 2020, 1-14. [pdf]
  14. Basavaraj Swaraj, Deodhar, Pankaj, Rohilla, M, Manivannan, Sumesh P, Thampi, and Madivala G, A Robust Method to Determine Critical Micelle Concentration via Spreading Oil Drops on Surfactant Solutions, Langmuir, June 2020. [pdf]
  15. I Joseph, H. R, V Madhan Kumar, M Manivannan, Effect of Visual Awareness of the Real Hand on User Performance in Partially Immersive Virtual Environments: Presence of Virtual Kinesthetic Conflict, International Journal of Human Computer Interaction. 2020. [pdf]
  16. K Madhan, S Venkatraman, AS Mandayam, M Manivannan, Coding Source Localisation Through Inter-Spike Delay: Modelling a Cluster of Pacinian Corpuscles using Time-Division Multiplexing Approach, Somatosensory & Motor Research 37 (2), 63-73, 2020 [pdf]
  17. P. Patel, R. K. Ray and M. Manivannan, “Power Law Based “Out of Body” Tactile Funneling for Mobile Haptics,” in IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 307-318, 1 July-Sept. 2019, doi: 10.1109/TOH.2019.2933822.
  18. R Gourishetti, M Manivannan, Improved force JND in immersive virtual reality needle insertion simulation, Virtual Reality 23 (2), 133-142, 2019.
  19. Alka John, Natesan D, M Manivannan, A computer based study on the effect of Sympathetic Activity during CPR, Journal of Interactive Cardiology Open Access, Accepted 2019.
  20. R Soni, M Manivannan, Breath Rate Variability (BRV) – A novel measure to study the meditation effects, International Journal of Yoga 12 (1), 45-54, 2019
  21. MS Raghuprasad, M Manivannan, Volumetric and Morphometric Analysis of Pineal and Pituitary Glands of an Indian Inedial Subject, Annals of Neuroscience 25, 279-288, 2018
  22. G Ravali, M Manivannan, Improved Force JND in Immersive Virtual Reality Needle Insertion Simulation, Journal of Virtual Reality, Springer, 2018
  23. R Prasad, M Muniyandi, G Manoharan, SM Chandramohan, Face and Construct Validity of a Novel Virtual Reality–Based Bimanual Laparoscopic Force-Skills Trainer With Haptics Feedback, Surgical innovation 25 (5), 499-514, 2018
  24. L Suganthi, C Dipanjan, M Manivannan , Noninvasive Assistive Method to Diagnose Arterial Disease – Takayasu’s Arteritis, Lect. Notes Computational Vision, Vol. 28, S. Smys and D. Jude Hemanth (Eds), 2018
  25. Prasad, Raghu and Muniyandi, Manivannan and Manoharan, Govindan and Chandramohan, Servarayan M, Face and Construct Validity of a Novel Virtual Reality–Based Bimanual Laparoscopic Force-Skills Trainer With Haptics Feedback, Surgical innovation, 2018, SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA
  26. Susmitha Wils, K; Devasahayam, Suresh R; Manivannan, M; Mathew, George; Force model for laparoscopic graspers: implications for virtual simulator design Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies 26 2 97-103 2017 Taylor & Francis
  27. Alka, Rachel John; Muniyandi, Manivannan; Ramakrishnan, T.; Computer-based CPR Simulation towards Validation of AHA/ ERC Guidelines Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology 2017 Springer
  28. Majid, Hameed Koul; Manivannan, M; Subir K, Saha; Effect of Dual-rate Sampling on the Stability of a Haptic Interface Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 2017 Springer
  29. Amba, Ravali; Muniyandi, Manivannan; Quantification of Electrodermal Activity Variation Across Human Fingers: Towards a scientific Basis of Mudras Journal of Yoga – Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology 2017
  30. Abhijit, Biswas; M, Manivannan; M A, Srinivasan, Biomechanical Model Of A Pacinian Corpusacle Embedded In A Multilayer Skin Column, Accepted for Publication in the Indian Journal of Biomechanics, 2017.
  31. Raghuprasad, MS; Manivannan, M; “,Objective assessment of laparoscopic force and psychomotor skills in a novel virtual reality-based haptic simulator,Journal of Surgical Education,73,5,2016 [IF: 1.35]
  32. K, SUSMITHA WILS; Devasahayam, Suresh; M, Manivannan; Mathew, George;Force Model for Laparoscopic Graspers: Implications for Virtual Simulator Design,Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies,2016,Taylor and Francis IF: 1.29]
  33. Suganthi, Lakshmanan; Manivannan, M; Kunwar, Brajesh Kumar; Joseph, George; Danda, Debashish; Morphological analysis of peripheral arterial signals in Takayasu’s arteritis,Journal of clinical monitoring and computing,29,1,87-95,2015,Springer Netherlands [IF: 1.89] [Citation: 5]
  34. M.S. Raghu, Prasad; Manivannan, M; S. M, Chandramohan’; Effects of Laparoscopic Instrument and Finger on Force Perception: A First Step towards Laparoscopic Force-Skills Training,Surgical Endoscopy,29,7,1927-1943,2015,Springer [IF: 3.2] [Citation: 6]
  35. Biswas, Abhijit; Manivannan, M; Srinivasan, Mandayam; Multiscale Layered Biomechanical Model of Pacinian Corpuscle,IEEE Transactions on Haptics,8,1,31-42,2015,IEEE [IF: 1.4] [Citation: 13]
  36. Biswas, Abhijit; Manivannan, M; Srinivasan, Mandayam; Vibrotactile Sensitivity Threshold: Nonlinear Stochastic Mechanotransduction Model of Pacinian Corpuscle,IEEE Transactions of Haptics,6,1,102-113,2015,IEEE [IF: 1.4] [Citation: 15]
  37. Raghu Prasad, MS; Manivannan, M; Comparison of Force Matching Performance in Conventional and Laparoscopic Force-Based Task,Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting,58,2014,SAGE Human Factors [IF: 1.3] [Citation: 2]
  38. Raghu, Prasad; Abhijit, Biswas; Manivannan, M; Design and Development of a Cost Effective 5-DoF Haptic Device for Laparoscopic Skills Training,Int J CARS,9,1,123-138,2014 [IF: 1.7]
  39. Danda, D; Kunwar, BK; Suganthi, L; Manivannan, M; Joseph, G; Morphological analysis of peripheral arterial signals in Takayasu’s arteritis,2014,Kluwer Academic Publishers
  40. Grunwald, Martin; Muniyandi, Manivannan; Kim, Hyun; Kim, Jung; Krause, Frank; Mueller, Stephanie; Srinivasan, Mandayam A;Human haptic perception is interrupted by explorative stops of milliseconds,Multisensory Integration in Action Control,129,2014,Frontiers E-books [IF: 2.5] [Citation: 3]
  41. L.Suganthi, M.Manivannan, Brajesh kumar Kunwar, George Joseph, Debashish Danda, Morphological Analysis Of Peripheral Arterial Signals In Takayasu’s Arteritis, Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 2014, In-Press. [IF: 0.709]
  42. M.S. Raghu Prasad and M. Manivannan “Isometric Force Matching Error of Index Finger and Laparoscopic Instrument”, Indian Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 4, Issue 1, page 15-26;(2013) ISSN : 0974-0783.
  43. Majid Koul, Suril V Shah, S K Saha, M Manivannan, Reduced-order Forward Dynamics of Multi-Closed-Loop Systems, Journal of Multibody System Dynamics, 1-26, (2013) DOI: 10.1007/s11044-013-9379-2, Springer, Netherlands. [IF: 2.023]
  44. Wils, Susmitha; Mathew, George; Manivannan, M; Devasahayam, Suresh R; A Comparison of Pinch Force between Finger and Palm Grasp techniques in Laparoscopic Grasping, ENGINEERING,4,10b, 46-49, (2012).
  45. M Manivannan, Pawankumar Suresh, On The Somatosensation Basis Of Vision, Annals of Neurosciences, Vol. 19:1, pages 31-40, (2012).
  46. L. Suganthi, S.V. Viswajith, M. Manivannan, Modeling the Effects of Upper Arm Cuff Pressure on Pulse Morphology, Int. J. Healthcare Technology and Management (IJHTM) – Vol. 12, No.5/6 pp. 422 – 433, (2011). [IF:0.33?]
  47. S. Mohamed Yacin, V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy and M. Manivannan, Reconstruction of Gastric Slow wave from Finger Photoplethysmographic Signal using Radial Basis Function Neural Network, J Medical Biological Engineering and Computing, Volume 49, Number 11 (2011), 1241-1247. [IF: 1.79] [Citation: 3]
  48. K. Hemalatha, M. Manivannan, A study of Cardiopulmonary interaction haemodynamics with detailed lumped parameter model. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (Inderscience) – Vol. 6, No.3 pp. 251 – 271, (2011). [Citation: 2]
  49. S. Mohamed Yacin, M. Manivannan and V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy, Effect of Gastric Myoelectric Activity on Pulse Rate Variability in fasting and Postprandial Conditions, International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management – Vol. 12, No.5/6 pp.434 – 446, (2011). [IF:0.33?] [Citation: 2]
  50. K. Hemalatha, M. Manivannan, Cardiopulmonary model to study interaction hemodynamics in mueller maneuver, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering (John Wiley), Volume 27, Issue 10, pages 1524–1544, (2011). [IF:1.409]
  51. S. Mohamed Yacin, M. Manivannan and V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy, On Non-Invasive Measurement of Gastric Motility from Finger Photoplethysmographic Signal, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol.38, 3744-3755, 12, (2010). [IF:2.575]
  52. K.Hemalatha, L.Suganthi, M.Manivannan, Hybrid cardiopulmonary model for analysis of valsalva maneuver with radial artery pulse, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 38, Number 10, pp 3151-3161 (2010). [IF:2.575] [Citation: 8]
  53. L.Suganthi, M.Manivannan, Modeling the effect of cuff pressure in Upper arm, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology IJRTE, Vol. 2, No. 1-6, 73-75 (2009). [Citation: 4]
  54. S. Mohamed Yacin, M. Manivannan, V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy, Effect Of Gastric Myoelectric Activity On Photoplethysmographic Signals, International Joint Journal Conferences in Computer, Electronics and Electrical 2009, IJRTE, Vol. 2, No. 1-6, 27-29, CEE (2009).
  55. M.Manivanann, R. Periyasamy, V.B.Narayanamurthy, “Vibration Perception Threshold and the Law of Mobility in Diabetic Mellitus Patients”, Primary Care Diabetes, 3 17-21, (2009).
  56. R. Periyasamy, M.Manivannan, V.B.Narayanamurthy, “Correlation between Two Point Discrimination with other measures of Sensory loss in Diabetic Mellitus Patients”, The International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries 2008, 28(3), 71-78, (2008).
  57. R. Periyasamy, V.B.Narayanamurthy and Manivannan M, “Changes in the Two Point Discrimination in Diabetic Mellitus Patients”, Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury, 3:3, (2008). [pdf]
  58. S.Mahesh, M.Manivannan, T.Anandan, Three Radial Artery Pulse Sensor Design for Siddha Based Disease Diagnosis, International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (IJSCI), pp19-23 (Jul 2008).
  59. K Shankar, M Manivannan, Peter Fernandez, GSR Analysis During Hypnotic Analgesia, International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (IJSCI), pp-35-38, (Jan 2008).
  60. S Deivanayaki, M Manivannan, Peter Fernandez, Spectral Analysis of EEG signals during Hypnosis, International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (IJSCI), pp75-80, (Oct 2007).[IF:0.562?]
  61. H.Vasudevan, B.S.Manohar, M.Manivannan, “Rendering stiffer walls: A hybrid haptic system using continuous and discrete time feedback”, Advanced Robotics, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 1323-1338, (Aug 2007). [IF:0.653]
  62. Suvranu De, Yi-Je Lim, M Manivannan, Mandayam A. Srinivasan, “Physically Realistic Virtual Surgery Using the Point-Associated Finite Field (PAFF) Approach”, Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, June 2006, Vol. 15, No. 3, Pages 294-308, (2006).
  63. C.Basdogan, S.De, J.Kim, M. M,, H.Kim, MA.Srinivasan, Haptics in Minimally Invasive Surgical Simulation and Training, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Mar, 24(2); 56-64, (2004). [IF:1.911]
  64. J. Jordan, J. Mortensen, M. Oliveira and M. Slater, J. Kim, M. M, and M. A. Srinivasan, Transatlantic Touch: A study of haptic collaboration over long distance, Presence, Volume 13 , Issue 3, (June 2004). [IF:1.040]
  65. M Manivannan, M N Srinivasan, An Intelligent Defect Diagnostic System, Institute of Indian Foundarymen Transactions, (Aug 1996).

Book Chapters:

  1. Kanade, Aditya,et al. “Virtual Reality, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence: Technological Interventions in Stroke Rehabilitation.” The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and Telemedicine Frameworks and Applications, edited by Rajiv Pandey, et al., IGI Global, 2023, pp. 105-123. [link]
  2. “Madhan Kumar, V Ashwath, A Manivannan, M “,Effect of Elevated Finger Temperature on Active Force JND,Recent Advances in Applied Mechanics 441-450,2022,”Springer, Singapore” [link]
  3. “Madhan Kumar, V Natarajan, S Manivannan, M “,Vibration Perception Threshold Tuning Curve Towards Early Diagnosis of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, Recent Advances in Applied Mechanics431-440,2022,”Springer, Singapore”. [link]
  4. Madhan Kumar V., Sadanand V., Manivannan M. (2021) Computational Model of a Pacinian Corpuscle for Hybrid-Stimuli: Spike-Rate and Threshold Characteristics. In: Manocha A.K., Jain S., Singh M., Paul S. (eds) Computational Intelligence in Healthcare. Health Information Science. Springer, Cham. [pdf]
  5. S Debadutta, M Manivannan, An Exploration of Influence of Duration on Physiological Effects of Asanas, Handbook of Research on Evidence-Based Perspectives on the Psychophysiology, 2021. [pdf]
  6. Suganthi, L; Dipanjan, Chatterjee; Manivannan, M; Noninvasive Assistive Method to Diagnose Arterial Disease – Takayasu’s Arteritis Lect. Notes Computational Vision, Vol. 28, S. Smys and D. Jude Hemanth (Eds): COMPUTATIONAL VISION AND BIO INSPIRED COMPUTING 28 1-10 2017
  7. Manivannan, M; Periyasamy, R; Suresh, Devashayam; Handheld Isobaric Aesthesiometer for Measuring Two-point Discrimination,”ICoRD’15 – Research into Design Across Boundaries Volume 2 Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 35,,675-685,2015,Springer
  8. Nissan Kunju, George Tharion, Suresh Devasahayam and M Manivannan, Muscle Activation Pattern and Weight Bearing of Limbs during Wheelchair Transfers in Healthy Individuals– A Step towards Lower Limb FES Assisted Transfer for Paraplegics, Converging Clinical & Engi. Research on NR, BIOSYSROB1, pp197-201, (2013) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-34546-3_31. [Citation: 1]
  9. MS Raghu Prasad, Sunny Purswani and M Manivannan, Modeling of Human Hand Force Based Tasks Using Fitts’s Law, ICord-2013, A. Chakrabarti and R. V. Prakash, Eds. Springer India, 2013, pp. 377–386.
  10. MS Raghu Prasad, Sunny Purswani and M Manivannan, Force JND for Right Index Finger Using Contra Lateral Force Matching Paradigm, ICord-2013, A. Chakrabarti and R. V. Prakash, Eds. Springer India, 2013, pp. 365–375.
  11. K. Kanakapriya, M. Manivannan, CPR Module with Variable Chest Stiffness in High Fidelity Mannequins, Chapter 16 pp 159-168 A Chakrabarti (ed.), CIRP Design 2012, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4471-4507-3_16, Springer-Verlag London 2013.

Conference Publications

  1. Jay Bhanushali, Praneeth Chakravarthula, Manivannan Muniayndi, Cross-Domain Synthetic-to-Real In-the-Wild Depth and Normal Estimation for 3D Scene Understanding, Accepted for CVPR Workshops 2024, Seattle June 2024 [Download link].
  2. Manali Jain, Bijo Sebastian and Muniyandi Manivannan, Shared Control for Telepresence Robot in a Dynamic Virtual Reality Environment, IEEE ICCAR 2024 Conference (27-29 April, 2024 ) Singapore.
  3. Subudhi, Debadutta; Vasudevan, Madhan Kumar; Manivannan, Muniyandi; Design of Wearable: Effect of Various Finger Poses on Tactile Perception, International Conference on Research into Design, 1105-1114, 2023, Springer Nature Singapore Singapore
  4. Subudhi, Debadutta; Manivannan, M; Natarajan, S; Deepak, KK; Non-invasive Assessment of Diabetes from sub-Heart Rate Variability: Coherence with HbA1c Test, Proceedings of the 9 th World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Sciences (EECSS’23) Brunel University, London, United Kingdom, 164-1 to 164-7, 2023
  5. Karmakar, Subhankar; Vasudevan, Madhan Kumar; Muniyandi, Manivannan; Modeling and simulation of thermal grill illusion using neurophysiological theory, 2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), 216-222, 2023, IEEE
  6. Debadutta, Subudhi; Muniyandi, Manivannan; Novel Single Bubble Haptic Sensor: SubbleSight, 2023 IEEE SENSORS, Vienna, Austria, 2023,pp. 1-4, 2023, doi: 10.1109/SENSORS56945.2023.10324988. []
  7. Pranav, Deshpande; Prasanna Kumar, Routray; Soumya, Dutta; Muniyandi, Manivannanl; Simple Fabrication Process for High-Sensitive Flexible Capacitive Force Sensor Using PDMS, 2023 IEEE SENSORS, Vienna, Austria, 2023, pp 1-4, 2023, doi: 10.1109/SENSORS56945.2023.10324889 [].
  8. B, Sangeetha; M, Manivannan; A Continuous Smart Abdominal Fetal Heart Rate Monitor using Photoplethysmography, 2023 IEEE SENSORS, Vienna, Austria, 2023, pp 1-4, 2023, doi: 10.1109/SENSORS56945.2023.10325110 [].
  9. “Madhan Kumar, V; Ashwath, A; Manivannan, M”,Effect of Elevated Finger Temperature on Active Force JND,Recent Advances in Applied Mechanics: Proceedings of Virtual Seminar on Applied Mechanics (VSAM 2021),441-450,2022,Springer Singapore Singapore
  10. “Madhan Kumar, V; Natarajan, S; Manivannan, M”,Vibration Perception Threshold Tuning Curve Towards Early Diagnosis of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy,Recent Advances in Applied Mechanics: Proceedings of Virtual Seminar on Applied Mechanics (VSAM 2021),,,431-440,2022,Springer Singapore Singapore
  11. “Subudhi, Debadutta; Balaji, P; Muniyandi, Manivannan”,Objective Quantification of Circular Vection in Immersive Environments,”Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Design and Development: 14th International Conference, VAMR 2022, Held as Part of the 24th HCI International Conference, HCII 2022, Virtual Event, June 26–July 1, 2022, Proceedings, Part I”,,,261-274,2022,Springer International Publishing Cham
  12. “Balaji, P; Subudhi, Debadutta; Muniyandi, Manivannan”,Grasp Intent Detection Using Multi Sensorial Data,”Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Anthropometry, Human Behavior, and Communication: 13th International Conference, DHM 2022, Held as Part of the 24th HCI International Conference, HCII 2022, Virtual Event, June 26–July 1, 2022, Proceedings, Part I”,,,112-122,2022,Springer International Publishing Cham
  13. “Balasubramanian, Jagan K; Ray, Rahul Kumar; Manivannan, Muniyandi”,Effect of Subthreshold Vibration on the Perception of Electrovibration,”Haptic and Audio Interaction Design: 11th International Workshop, HAID 2022, London, UK, August 25–26, 2022, Proceedings”,37-47,2022,Springer International Publishing Cham
  14. “Manivannan, Muniyandi “,Effect of Subthreshold Vibration on the Perception of Electrovibration,”Haptic and Audio Interaction Design: 11th International Workshop, HAID 2022, London, UK, August 25–26, 2022, Proceedings”,13417,37,2022,Springer Nature
  15. “Aditya, Kanade; Sharma, Mansi; Muniyandi, Manivannan”,”Tele-EvalNet: A Low-cost, Teleconsultation System for Home based Rehabilitation of Stroke Survivors using Multiscale CNN-LSTM Architecture”,Tenth International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics Oct. 2022,2022,
  16. “Routray, Prasanna Kumar; Kanade, Aditya Sanjiv; Tiwari, Kshitij; Pounds, Pauline; Muniyandi, Manivannan”,Towards multidimensional textural perception and classification through whisker,2022 IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE),1-7,2022,IEEE
  17. “Routray, Prasanna Kumar;Kanade, Aditya Sanjiv; Bhanushali, Jay; Muniyandi, Manivannan”, VisTaNet: Attention Guided Deep Fusion for Surface Roughness Classification,arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.08516,2022,
  18. “Aditya, Kanade Mansi, Sharma Manivannan, Muniyandi “,”Virtual Reality, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence: Technological Interventions in Stroke Rehabilitation”,The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and Telemedicine Frameworks and Applications,325,2022,IGI Global DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3533-5
  19. “Ravali, Gourishetti; Manivannan, Muniyandi”,Perception based Biomechanical Model Reduction for Needle Insertion Training Simulators,The 6th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics and The 10th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics (IMSD-ACMD,2022,
  20. “Sasivarnan, S K; Abinaya, Pitchandi; Prasanna, Kumar Routray; Manivannan, Muniyandi”,Mobile Haptic Device for Large Virtual Environments,The 6th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics and The 10th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics (IMSD-ACMD,2022,
  21. “Gourishetti, Ravali; Manivannan, M”,Turing test to validate perceptually reduced model for needle insertion simulation,Advanced Materials for Biomedical Applications,,,163-183,2022,CRC Press
  22. “Shukla, Rishabh; Routray, Prasanna Kumar; Subudhi, Debadutta; Manivannan, M”, Whiskered Contact-Based Non-Intrusive Vibrometer,”2022 10th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation (ICCMA)”,161-167,2022,IEEE
  23. Kshitij Tiwari, Basak Sakcak, Prasanna Routray, M. Manivannan, Steven M LaValle Visibility-Inspired Models of Touch Sensors for Navigation, Conference: 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
  24. Subhankar Karmakar, Madhan Kumar Vasudevan, Manivannan Muniyandi, A Mathematical Model Of The Thermal Grill Illusion: Simulating The Perceived Pain Using Neuronal Activity In Pain-Sensitive Nerve Fibers, ICPI 2022: XVI, International Conference on Perceptual Illusions to be held in Boston, United States during April 21-22, 2022
  25. “Shukla, Rishabh; Routray, Prasanna Kumar; Tiwari, Kshitij; LaValle, Steven M; Manivannan, M “,Monofilament whisker-based mobile robot navigation,2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC)1150-1150,2021,IEEE
  26. Ray, Rahul Kumar and Manivannan, M “Reduction of Electrotactile Perception Threshold using Background Thermal Stimulation”, proceedings of 5th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2021), Paris, France, August 27-29, 2021 [pdf]
  27. Debadutta Subudhi, R. K. Venkatesan, Kalpana Devi, and M. Manivannan, Finger Induced Auto-Thermogenesis, in 3rd IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering,Healthcare and Sustainability, IEEE ECBIOS 2021, May 28th 2021. [pdf], awarded best conference paper [pdf].
  28. RK Ray, M Manivannan, Spatial Summation of Electro-Tactile Displays at Subthreshold level, 4th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies – Future ApplicationsAt: Strasbourg, France, Mar 2021. [pdf]
  29. V Madhan Kumar, R Rahul Kumar, M Manivannan, Computational Model of a Pacinian Corpuscle for an Electrical Stimulus: Spike-Rate and Threshold Characteristics, Euro Haptics 2020, Leiden, Netherlands. [pdf]
  30. DSI Varun, R Arjunan, M Manivannan, The Effect of Audio and Visual Modality Based CPR Skill Training with Haptics Feedback in VR, 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 910-911.
  31. Joseph H. R. Isaac, Krishnadas, A., Damodaran, N., & Manivannan, M. (2018). Effect of Control Movement Scale on Visual Haptic Interactions. In D. Prattichizzo, H. Shinoda, H. Z. Tan, E. Ruffaldi, & A. Frisoli (Eds.), Haptics: Science, Technology, and Applications (pp. 150–162). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  32. Ravali Gourishetti, Joseph H. R. Isaac, & Manivannan, M. (2018). Passive Probing Perception: Effect of Latency in Visual-Haptic Feedback. In D. Prattichizzo, H. Shinoda, H. Z. Tan, E. Ruffaldi, & A. Frisoli (Eds.), Haptics: Science, Technology, and Applications (pp. 186–198). Cham: Springer International Publishing. [pdf]
  33. Rohit, Parasnis; Akshay, Pawar; M, Manivannan; Multiscale Entropy and Poincaré Plot-based Analysis of Pulse Rate Variability and Heart Rate Variability of ICU Patients International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and BioMedical Sciences, ICIIBMS 2015 [pdf]
  34. Prasad, A Natekar; Manivannan, M; Natesan, D; Devkumar, D; Affordable Immersive Virtual Reality based pre-surgical planning tool for Neurosurgery International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and BioMedical Sciences , ICIIBMS 2015
  35. Majid, H Koul; SK, Saha; M, Manivannan; Teaching mechanism dynamics using a haptic device – II 2 nd International and 17 th National Conference on Machines and Mechanism, 2015
  36. Suganthi Lakshmanan, Manivannan M, Morphological Analysis of Pressure Wave in the Arterial Tree with Stenosis – a Modeling Approach, Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of EMBS 2015, Italy. [Link] [pdf]
  37. A. Biswas, M. Manivannan, M. A. Srinivasan, Nonlinear Two Stage Mechanotransduction Model and Neural Response of Pacinian Corpuscle, Accepted in BSEC-14, IEEE, ORNL Biomedical Science and Engineering Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. DOI: 10.1109/BSEC.2014.6867740. [link]
  38. Abhijit Biswas, M Manivannan, M A Srinivasan, A Biomechanical Model of Pacinian Corpuscle & Skin, BSEC-13, IEEE, ORNL Biomedical Science and Engineering Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA, pp1-4, DOI: 10.1109/BSEC.2013.6618485. [pdf]
  39. G Singh, M Manivannan, Drowsiness Detection System for Pilots, ICoRD’13, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 991-1003. [ pdf ]
  40. MH Koul, SK Saha, M Manivannan, Teaching Mechanism Dynamics Using Haptics, 1st International & 16th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms (iNaCoMM 2013, December 18 to December 20, 2013, Roorkee, India.
  41. MH Koul, SK Saha, M Manivannan, Simulation of Haptics Force Law using SimMechanics and Simulink, 1st International & 16th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms (iNaCoMM 2013, December 18 to December 20, 2013, Roorkee, India.
  42. Majid H Koul and Subir K Saha, M Manivannan, Enhancing the Z-width of haptic interfaces through dual-rate sampling, AIR-2013, accepted for publication in Proc. of Advances in Robotics, International Conference of Robotic Society of India, Pune, July 2013. [ pdf ]
  43. MS Raghu Prasad, Sunny Purswani and M Manivannan, Force JND for Right Index Finger Using Contra Lateral Force Matching Paradigm, ICord-2013, A. Chakrabarti and R. V. Prakash, Eds. Springer India, 2013, pp. 365–375. [ pdf ]
  44. MS Raghu Prasad, Sunny Purswani and M Manivannan, Modeling of Human Hand Force Based Tasks Using Fitts’s Law, ICord-2013, A. Chakrabarti and R. V. Prakash, Eds. Springer India, 2013, pp. 377–386. [ pdf ]
  45. Susmitha Wills, George Mathew, M Manivannan, Suresh Devasahayam, A Comparison of Pinch Force between Finger and Palm Grasp techniques in Laparoscopic Grasping, CET 2012. Vol. 4 No. 10B, 2012, pp. 46-49. doi: 10.4236/eng.2012.410B012. 
    pdf ]
  46. K. Kanakapriya, M. Manivannan, CPR Module with Variable Chest Stiffness in High Fidelity Mannequins, Chapter 16 pp 159-168 A Chakrabarti (ed.), CIRP Design 2012, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4471-4507-3_16, Ó Springer-Verlag London 2013 [ pdf ]
  47. K. Kanakapriya, M. Manivannan, Blood Pressure Measurement with Sphygmomanometer in High Fidelity Mannequins, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE), ISSN 2250-2459, Vol 2, Issue 9, Sep 2012
  48. M.S. Raghuprasad, M. Manivannan, Automated 3D Position Tracking of Laparoscopic Instruments in a Do-It-Yourself Simulator, In Proceedings of International Centenary Conference – EE, IISc, CCEE 2011, pp 507-512, Dec 14-17, 2011, ISBN: 978-93-7435-95-03.
  49. K. Kanakapriya, A. Mandali, M. Manivannan, ECG simulation for Myocardial Infarction diagnosis in high fidelity mannequins, India Conference (INDICON), 2011 Annual IEEE , pp.1,5, 16-18 Dec. 2011, doi: 10.1109/INDCON.2011.6139634. 
    pdf ]
  50. Khadgi Mitesh, Koul Majid, Manivannan M, An adaptive-method for velocity estimation using time-to-digital converter, Field-Programmable Technology (FPT), 2011 International Conference on, pp.1,4, 12-14 Dec. 2011. 
    doi: 10.1109/FPT.2011.6132713.
  51. M.S. Raghuprasad, M. Manivannan, Tracking of Laparoscopic Surgical grasper Tip in a Do-It-Yourself Simulator, In Proceedings of International Conference On Biomedical Engineering (ICBME 2011). Narosa Press Publications,pp170 -176,Dec 10-12 ,2011, ISBN: 978-81-8487-195-01.
  52. L. Suganthi, M. Manivannan, Pressure wave Morphological Analysis of arteries with Stenosis, International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME), Manipal, India, 2011, pp.279-283.
  53. Majid Hameed, M Manivannan, and S K Saha, Synthesis and Design of a 2-DOF Haptic Device for Simulating Epidural Injection, IFToMM – 2011, 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, México, June 19-24, pp. 1-7, 2011.
  54. S. Mohamed Yacin, M. Manivannan and V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy, Extraction of Gastric Myoelectric Activity from Finger Photoplethysmographic signal, Proc. of Seventh IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2010), pp 188-194, Feb 17, 2010 to Feb 19, 2010, in Innsbruck, Austria.
  55. S. Mohamed Yacin, M. Manivannan and V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy, Measurement of Gastric Oscillations from Finger Photoplethysmographic Signal Using Autoregressive Model, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Control and Communication Technologies (ICCCCT 2010), pp 247-250, Oct 7, 2010 to Oct 9, 2010, India.
  56. K. Hemalatha, M. Manivannan, S. Thanikachalam, Numerical simulation of cardiac valve flow velocity patterns in normal and abnormal conditions, Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICCCCT), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, pp.536,539, 7-9 Oct. 2010.
  57. K. Hemalatha, M. Manivannan, Valsalva Maneuver for the Analysis of Interaction Hemodynamic Model Study, Recent Trends in Information, Telecommunication and Computing (ITC), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, pp.28,32, 12-13 March 2010. doi: 10.1109/ITC.2010.54 [pdf]
  58. K. Hemalatha and M. Manivannan, A study of Respiratory Induced Variations of Breath Patterns on Cardiopulmonary System Dynamics, Proceedings of the International Conference on Challenegs and Applications of Mathematics in Science and Technology (CAMIST), Jan 11-13,2010, pp751-759. [pdf]
  59. Majid H Koul, Praneeth Kumar, Praveen K Singh, M. Manivannan, Subir K Saha, Gravity Compensation for Phantom Omni Haptic Interface, First Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics 2010, Lappeenranta, Finland, 25-27 May 2010, Vol 1, pp. 1707-1716. 2010. ISBN: 978-1-61839-086-8.
  60. K. Hemalatha and M. Manivannan, A study of Cardiopulmonary interaction haemodynamics with detailed lumped parameter model, Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advancements in Electrical Sciences (ICRAES 10), Jan 8 & 9, 2010, India, pp320-332. [pdf]
  61. S. Mohamed Yacin, M. Manivannan, and V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy, Extraction Of Gastric Myoelectric Activity From Photoplethysmographic Signal, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Biomedical Engineering(IASTD), Feb 17-19, 2010, in Innsbruck, Austriai, pp188-192. [pdf]
  62. S. Mohamed Yacin, M. Manivannan, and V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy, Effect of Gastric Myoelectric Activity on Pulse Rate Variability in Fasting and Postprandial Conditions, Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advancements in Electrical Sciences (ICRAES 10), Jan 8 & 9, 2010, India, pp296-304. [pdf]
  63. L. Suganthi, M. Manivannan, Modeling the Effects of Upper Arm Cuff Pressure on Pulse Morphology, Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advancements in Electrical Sciences (ICRAES 10), India, 2010, pp.285-295 [pdf]
  64. Praveen Kumar Singh, Subir Kumar Saha, and M. Manivannan, Synthesis of Two Degrees-of-Freedom Haptic Device, Proceedings of the 14th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms (NaCoMM-09), NIT, Durgapur, India, December 17-18, 2009, pp92-97. [pdf]
  65. S. Mohamed Yacin, M. Manivannan and V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy, Pulse Rate variability and Gastric Electric Power in fasting and Postprandial Conditions, Proc. of 31st Annual International Conference of IEEE in Medicine and Biology Society, pp 2639-2642, Sep 2 – 6, 2009, Minneapolis, USA. [pdf]
  66. L. Suganthi, M. Manivannan, Effect of Upper Arm Cuff Pressure on Pulse Morphology using Photoplethysmography, 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE (EMBS), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 2009, pp.1792-1795. [pdf]
  67. S. Mahesh, M. Manivannan, T. Anandan, Design of Pulse Sensor for Siddha Based Disease Diagnosis, Proceedings of International Conference of Research into Design (ICoRD 09, IISc.), pp. 419-426. 2009.
  68. M.Manivannan, P.Rajasekar, “Hybrid Model For Haptic Rendering in Virtual Tissue Cutting”, Proc. of International Conference of Research Into Design (ICoRD 09, IISc.), pp466-471.
  69. Siddharth.N, Manivannan.M, Suresh Devasahayam, George Mathew, Design of a Do-It-Yourself VR based Laparoscopic Simulator”, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2009.
  70. B.S.Manohar, H.Vasudevan, M.Manivannan, DC Motor Damping: Strategies to improve stiffness in virtual environments, Eurohaptics 2008, Lecture Notes In Computer Science; Vol. 502, Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Haptics: Perception, Devices and Scenarios, Madrid, Spain, 2008, 53 – 62 . [pdf]
  71. Deivanayagi.S., Shankar.K., Manivannan.M., and Peter Fernandez.M, “Hypnotic Analgesia – Towards Automatic Monitoring”, 23rd Annual National Conference of Indian Society for Study of Pain, ISSPCON 2008 Vellore, Poster Presentation.
  72. H. Vasudevan, M. Manivannan, Tangible Images: Runtime Generation of Haptic Textures From Images, Haptic interfaces for virtual environment and teleoperator systems, 2008. haptics 2008. symposium on, pp.357-360, 13-14 March 2008.
  73. S C Chandrasekar, M Manivannan, Haptic Guided Laparoscopic Simulation Improves Learning Curve, MMVR, Volume 132, 454-456, 2008. [abstract]
  74. R.Mann, M.Manivannan, Combat Tactile jacket, International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Jan 2007. [pdf]
  75. T. Raja, R. Shriram, J. Praneet, T. Anandan, M. Manivannan, Haptic Pulse Simulator Training Module for Disease Diagnosis, 3rd Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2006 IFMBE Proceedings Volume 15, pp 585-587. 2007. [abstract]
  76. H. Vasudevan, M. Manivannan, Recordable haptic textures, HAVE2006 – IEEE International Workshop on Haptic Audio Visual Environments and their Applications, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 4 – 5 November 2006, pp.130-133. [abstract]
  77. M. Manivannan, S. Cotin, M. Srinivasan, S.Dawson, Real-time PC based X-ray simulation for interventional radiology training, MMVR Stud Health Technol Inform. 94:233-9. 2003. [pdf] [patent]
  78. S. De, M. Manivannan, J. Kim, M.A. Srinivasan and D. Rattner, Multimodal simulation of laparoscopic Heller myotomy using a meshless technique, Proc. MMVR Conf., pp.127 -132 2002 [pdf]
  79. C.E Prakash, J. Kim, M. Manivannan, M.A. Srinivasan, A new approach for the synthesis of glistening effect in deformable anatomical objects displayed with haptic feedback, Proc. of MMVR, Stud Health Technol Inform;85:369-75. 2002. [pdf]
  80. Chandru, V and Mahesh, N and Manivannan, M and Manohar, S (2000) Volume Sculpting and Keyframe Animation System. In: Computer Animation 2000, 3-5 May, Philadelphia, 134 -139. [pdf]
  81. M Manivannan, M N Srinivasan, An Agent-based architecture for collaborative design and analysis, Concurrent Engineering 97, 20-22 Aug. 1997, Rochester, MI, USA, pp. 347-354.[abstract]
  82. M Manivanann, M N Srinivasan, Virtual Reality and Mechanical Engineering, CSI Annual Convention, Bangalore Sep 96.